13 July 2006

day 3

What drives your live?

Everyone's live is driven by something. here are five of the most common ones :
1. many people are driven by guilt. they spend their entire lives running from regrets and hiding their shame. we are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's purpose is not limited by your past.
2. many people are driven by resentment and anger. they hold on to hurts and never get over them. but listen : those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold in to the pain through resentment. your past is past!
3. many people are driven by fear.
4. many people are driven by materialism. their desire to acquire becomes the whole goal of their lives. real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you, your relationship with God.
5. many people are driven by the need for approval. i don't know all the keys to success, but one key to failure is to try to please everyone. being controlled by the opinions of others is a guaranteed way to miss God's purposes for your life.

the benefits of purpose driven living
there are 5 great benefits of living a purpose-driven life :
1. knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life. hopes is an essential to your life as air and water. you need hope to cope. if you have felt hopeless, hold on! wonderful changes are going to happen in your life as you begin to live it on purpose.
2. knowing your purpose simplifies your life. it defines what you do and what you don't do. you simply ask, "Does this activity help me fulfill one of God's purposes or my life?"
3. knowing your purpose focuses your life. it concentrates your effort and energy on what's important. you become effective by being selective. if you want your life to have impact, focus it! stop dabbling. stop trying to do it all.
4. knowing your purpose motivates your life. purpose always produces passion. nothing energizes like a clear purpose.
5. knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity. what people fail to realize is that all achievements are eventually surpassed, records are broken, reputation fade, and tributes are forgotten. living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal.

From the bible we can surmise that God will ask us two crucial questions:
first, "what did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" and
second, "what did you do with what i gave you?"

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